Meet Singapore's Urban Farmers | Pt. 1/3

Growing An Appreciation For Houseplants | Pt. 2/3

Gardening Community: Growing More Than Plants | Pt. 3/3



Tracing My Roots As An Urban Farmer: From Australia To Singapore| Pt. 1/4

I Learn To Live Off The Land In Pa Ka Yaw,
Chiang Mai | Pt. 2/4

Can We Grow A Love For Farming In The Young? | Pt. 3/4

The Young Urban Farmers Growing Tomorrow's Superfoods | Pt. 4/4

Other features

Guest Lecture by Christopher Leow | Urban Green Lab

World’s highest rooftop urban farm – 51 floors up in Singapore | CNA Lifestyle

Bees Are Everything | VeryX

Breakfast at Kwiv's | VeryX

Slow Living with Chris | VeryX

Hard Truths with Boon Hian | VeryX

Chris makes friends or not | VeryX

Wild Mangoes — Can agriculture feed the soul? | Very X

ChingWei's Compost Hacks | Very X

Ode to Earthkeepers || ASMR | Very X

The Garden Gurus: Garden Revolution | Ep. 8

The Garden Gurus: Garden Revolution | Ep. 9 Cricket Farming

The Garden Gurus: Garden Revolution | Ep. 10 Edible Gardens

/02 my journey

To Live Simply | Green Renaissance

Pursuing Unconventional Career Paths in Singapore | The Financial Coconut TFC

Not Ready To Be An Entrepreneur Yet? Not A Problem

We Are How We Eat: A discussion on food, sustainability & history | Ethos Books

Dating On A Budget : LDR is the answer | The Financial Coconut TFC


/03 Book Reviews

“This Urban Farmer And NSman Naval Diver Is Singapore's Captain Planet”

— Wonderwall.Sg

You’ve written “The Freestyle Farmer”, a book published by Pagesetters that’s coming out in early 2022. Aren’t you a bit young for a memoir?

(Laughs) One of the reasons I wrote the book was that I’ve had a lot of funny experiences and stories (about food and farming), and I felt it would be too much of a waste not to share them.

Like the flood that happened in an indoor farm at Citizen Farm. One night, I came back after a long day at a farmer’s market, and the lights were off (they’re supposed to remain switched on). And then I saw water coming out from under the door.

When I went in, I saw that the whole place had short-circuited and was flooded with shin-high water. I basically took a stick and pah! pah! pah! rammed a hole through the plasterboard wall and let the water drain out. I thought I was going to get electrocuted - thankfully I didn’t die. The next day, the people who went to the office (which was also flooded) were like, “oh my god wtf!” - I was in deep shit.

The second reason for writing the book is that I really want to inspire a new generation of people and introduce them to this world of Singapore food production in a lighthearted manner. Basically, I want to plant the seed lah!

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